Who am I?
Lifetime student. One-time actor. A would be has-been writer.
Barely graduated high school, and applied to one college on the day the application was due. [In doing so, spelling the word "business" wrong on my application... to Business School.]
Somehow, started college with 8 credits from AP.
Liberal Arts, Business Administration, Political Science, and Philosophy major... only one of which I managed to graduate from.
Learned to love to question. Began to question everything.
Parents/friends became (more) annoyed.
Wrote, thought, talked, ate, and drank.
Loved life.
As a result, I enjoy nothing more than a good meal, a good drink, and a few good friends armed with even better conversation.
This may be the only constant in my life.
Graduated college in 4 years. (Almost.)
After college, bartended for a summer on a lake... and it was just as awesome as it sounds. Decided I needed a real job... for which I had no qualifications.
Went into Sales. Sold a record -zero- copiers.
Hated life.
5 weeks later, went into Finance and moved to the suburbs of Boston.
Annuities can be fun. For a while.
Hated life.
3 years later, spoke to a mentor who told me to go to law school. I reminded him of my undergrad GPA. Written recommendations ensued.
LSAT success led to options. Then, the seemingly random decision to move to Oregon in order to begin school with the U of O School of Law.
Hindsight being what it is... I now realize it was all inevitable.
I'm an atheist... and yet I'm fairly certain I was meant to be here.
[My hypocrisy (apparently) knows no bounds.]
So what's next?
Labels: college, high school, law school, reflection
I also like Calvin and Hobbes.
Labels: calvin and hobbes, likes
... is overhearing conversations like this one.
Guy: So when are we going to have sex in the library?
Girl: Um... we're not.
Guy: But...
Girl: It's illegal.
Guy: Listen. I made the offer. You accepted. I clearly relied on that statement. You are thereby estopped from denying me sex in the library.
Girl: You can have sex in the library. Just not with me. Or anyone else for that matter.
While I find myself siding with the guy in this one, I can't help but admire her... pluck.
So, in the UO Law Library, for the 2 weeks prior to finals the study rooms are locked. In order to use them, we are required to check a key out from the front desk. This allows us to get nice and settled in our rooms, ready to study for an obscene amount of time, and yet still we remain free to leave our little rooms, for the bathroom or a snack, locking the door behind us... without having to worry about someone stealing what amounts to our lives. At least, what amounts to our lives for the next two weeks.
So... on to what I like. The undergrads who routinely infest our library don't know of this. A few of the rooms have glass walls on two sides, one overlooking the commons, and the other looking into the library proper. I prefer these rooms, for a number of reasons. Foremost among them, this little gem:
My favorite thing, possibly the only thing I like about this time of year, is to watch groups of young undergraduate men and women walk by my room looking hopeful and cheery (and talking, of course), in search of a room in which they can study Bio 101, or perhaps Math... only to find that every single room is locked and/or occupied. At this point, they are forced to walk by my room once again. Now, they are no longer looking hopeful and cheery, but decidedly annoyed.
This makes me happy.
This makes me smile.
Perhaps, this also makes me small.
But you know what?
I'm okay with that.
Here's to you Mr. Porn in the Library Guy
You boldly go where no man with an ounce of dignity or self-respect would go
You sit at the computer whose screen faces the main library entrance and do your "research"
Best free sites? Hottest women? Hottest men? Most latex per square inch? We may never know
All day, every day -- you're a pornography machine and that's OK
So, Mr. Porn in the Library Guy -- even though you're not a student, or faculty, or for all we know, even marginally associated with the University at large
We salute you for bringing sexuality to the least sexually charged place on the planet earth - the law school library!
I am (a little) proud to say that as of this moment, every single song in my iTunes playlist has the correct CD cover attached to it... all 3500+ songs.
So I never used to like scotch. In fact, I was likely the only person in my family who didn't appreciate scotch, with the *possible* exception of my 10 year old sister. But that's a story for another time...
Labels: law school, live, love, scotch
It's finals time again. I hate finals time.
Labels: coffee, drinking, finals, law school