Monday, November 26, 2007

So, in the UO Law Library, for the 2 weeks prior to finals the study rooms are locked. In order to use them, we are required to check a key out from the front desk. This allows us to get nice and settled in our rooms, ready to study for an obscene amount of time, and yet still we remain free to leave our little rooms, for the bathroom or a snack, locking the door behind us... without having to worry about someone stealing what amounts to our lives. At least, what amounts to our lives for the next two weeks.

So... on to what I like. The undergrads who routinely infest our library don't know of this. A few of the rooms have glass walls on two sides, one overlooking the commons, and the other looking into the library proper. I prefer these rooms, for a number of reasons. Foremost among them, this little gem:

My favorite thing, possibly the only thing I like about this time of year, is to watch groups of young undergraduate men and women walk by my room looking hopeful and cheery (and talking, of course), in search of a room in which they can study Bio 101, or perhaps Math... only to find that every single room is locked and/or occupied. At this point, they are forced to walk by my room once again. Now, they are no longer looking hopeful and cheery, but decidedly annoyed.

This makes me happy.
This makes me smile.

Perhaps, this also makes me small.
But you know what?

I'm okay with that.


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